Birmingham Civil Rights District

16th Street Baptist Church

16th Street Baptist Church

1530 6th Avenue N.

Birmingham, AL 35203

How to visit: 60-minute tours available Tues-Sat from 10 AM-3 PM; book via website

The 16th Street Baptist Church’s congregation began meeting in 1873. The current building, designed by Wallace Rayfield, was completed in 1911. As the civil rights movement gained strength, the church served as a departure point for many demonstrations, due in part to its central location. 

On September 15, 1963, the church was bombed by white supremacists just as Sunday services were about to begin. Four young Black girls were killed: Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, and Carole Robertson, who were all 14 years old; and Cynthia Wesley, who was 11. This incident drew attention from around the country and the world, eventually leading to the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

Today, the church remains active, while also offering tours that detail its history.